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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Thai tasting night IICD style

Last night I put the dreamers and their palates to the test. Some of my favorite flavors come from South East Asia, and recently I have been inspired by Thai Town in Los Angeles. After purchasing items with some of the more interesting flavors and textures, we had a blind tasting at the house. The dreamers were not only up for the challenge, but very good sports!! Gig won with seven out of twenty correct, but they all enjoyed discovering new flavors and learning about foods they never knew existed. Some of the more interesting things they tasted: Basil seed with honey, fresh mangosteen, young coconut, Panang curry paste, baby bamboo shoots, fresh lemongrass, and cumin.


  1. Caitlin - You ought to be a photographer! These are great photos. Had to laugh at Justin and Ben. So much good comedy material to work with there. I love Thai food. Spent three weeks in Thailand on my way to the Philippines. Now, I can cook some mean Korean food too.

  2. Yep great pics. I love Thai and spices. Now I have a taste for some curry coconut soup. DJCigarguy

  3. Agreed u take awesome pics. Love it. I love pad-seeu. Mangosteen mean "queen of fruit" love it. Rare to find it.fresh

  4. You're doing an great job with the IICD group. The meal times are great -- fantastic information about the meal AND great conversation with the house and cameras.
